Health Safety

The Philippines, being a developing country, carry some disease that is unique to any Asian countries. Yellow fever vaccination is necessary for tourists and visitors arriving from another country. There is a risk of malaria year-round. Anti-malarial drugs are suggested for travel in remote areas. Mosquito-borne dengue fever has seen a resurgence in recent years in the Philippines. It is advisable to wear insect repellant and cover exposed skin to prevent insect bites.
Rabies is present. If bitten by an animal, seek medical treatment immediately. Since schistosomiasis may be present in fresh water, do weigh the risks of swimming in lakes or rivers.
Although pharmacies such as Mercury Drug and Merced Drug are found almost everywhere, visitors or tourists may be unable to find the selection of medications available from the country you came from. It is for your protection to carry a first aid kit with necessary prescription drugs, plus aspirin, anti-inflammatory tablets, anti-diarrhea pills, and antibiotics.
It is best to avoid drinking tap water. Just stick to drinking bottled water to be safe.
Cholera is a risk in the country and precautions are advised. Sea snakes can be highly venomous; travellers should be cautious in remote coastal waters, rivers and lakes, as anti-venom may not be readily available. In general, medical care is good in major cities, although very expensive, however it is limited in very remote areas. Philippine visitors and tourists are advised to carry a comprehensive medical insurance.